Talks are also on between Australian players and CSI over whether or not the averages should be calculated keeping in mind the umpiring blunders. Australian players are claiming that these things should affect the averages because they believe these things will even out over a player's career span and in the case that certain people and teams are lucky enough to have things in their favor its not their fault, as such things do happen in the game of cricket.
Ricky Ponting is quoted as saying "Listen mate.. We got 10 lucky breaks in this match and if you look back at all the matches we have played over the last decade I am pretty sure it all evens out. You need to play cricket in the Right(ya, with a capital R) spirit mate". However he did not elaborate on what he meant by right spirit and whether standing your ground after gliding the ball into the wicket keeper's gloves and claiming a catch after having rested in briefly on Mother Earth (as if she didn't have enough burden already) would qualify as Right spirit. And also maybe crying foul when an opponent utters a word or two of aggression towards them when you've been doing this for years now. After all the game needs some cleaning up and racism will not be tolerated. Andrew Symonds in addition to being a good batsman, a decent bowler and a great fielder also seems to be in the team in his capacity to draw racist remarks from the opposition. So next time you say anything to the Australians, make sure you are facing away from Symonds lest they use it to their advantage.
Also, he claims, you get back what you give. The Aussies take good care of the neutral umpires when they visit down under and its only natural that they look to reciprocate such warm hospitality. Maybe BCCI, the richest board in the world, would do well to take note of this fact and treat the umpires well and bother about the players later. After all once the umpires make up their mind it doesn't matter whether the player is good or not or whether its out or not. All they have to do is show their finger at the right moments. As far as the Indian team is concerned they'll be justified in feeling they are at the recieving end of the wrong finger at the moment.
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If you happen to be a single guy and aren't the superior at acquiring substantially less meeting ladies and are wondering where exactly you can go to discover and satisfy a young lady, then these ten acceptable suggestions on how to fulfill a woman on the local mall, must come in mighty handy.
1 - Go into the food court. Think it or not, the food court is a absolute most useful position from the shopping mall to fulfill a young lady. Here's what you do. Choose a meals area and get in line for your meal. Whilst you should be in line, check all-around the area exactly where anybody is seated and eating. Look for any female sitting alone, and even two ladies sitting down together. When you've your meal in hand, walk more than to where by she or they are really sitting and consult if it is possible to join them. If you are sincere and straightforward with them, your odds are quite wonderful.
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